Instructor: Professor Junping Shi |
Office: Jones Hall 122 |
Office Hour: T,W,Th 11-12, or by appointment |
Phone: 221-2030 |
email: |
Course Webpage:
We have a course webpage with tons of extra material, including java
applets graphing the solutions, animations, background of many models,
online tutorial of differential equations. Check the section website at
a week for new course information. A lot of files are available in
Acrobet (pdf) format. If you do not know how to view or print these
please ask your instructor or computer lab assistant for help.
Meeting Times and places: T, Th 2-3:20pm, Washington 304.
Textbook: The material will come from a lot of
different sources, but mainly two books:
Computer and Calculators: Computer demonstrations will be given in classes sometime, and browsing differential equations related webpages is a fun thing to do and is necessary for your success in this course. Computer software Maple and Matlab will be used in some homework assignments and in your semester project. Maple and Matlab are available on all university Windows network computers, please visit webpage for lab information. Graphing calculator is not necessary for this course, though a simple scientific calculator may be useful for some numerical calculations occationally.
Course Grade:
Homework: Homework will be assigned for some lectures (the list will be available from course webpage) and will be collected every two or three weeks. Not all problems will be graded, but all answer keys will be given to you on the website. It is your responsibility to check your answers and make sure you do them correctly. No late homework will be accepted for any reason.
Project and Presentation: Two projects will be assigned
during the semester. In each project, you will be assigned to some
reading material, and you need to present the material in class. The
presentation is about 30-45 minutes. Some projects may require you to
perform some calculations and simulations. You can choose to work
individually, or in a group of two (collaborating on two projects). A
variety of topics will be selected by Prof. Shi, and you can choose
your favarite ones. You will also write a short paper based on your one
or two presentations.